Beyond Pills: Common Compounding Solutions For Improved Medication Adherence

Can’t Quite Stick To Your Medication?

Medication has become an essential part of healthcare. From easing pain to hormone replacement therapy, millions of adults and children find value in the right prescription. Medication is only effective if a patient can take the required dose consistently over the recommended timeframe. This is commonly called medication adherence. However, many patients struggle to take medicine as prescribed. Thanks to strategies like compounding, there are ways to increase the chances of taking prescriptions consistently.


The barriers to medication adherence

Why do so many people struggle to adhere to a prescription? For some, the hustle, bustle, and stress of the day can lead to forgetfulness. Many other patients simply avoid taking prescriptions due to unpleasant taste, difficulty swallowing pills, or an unpleasant taste. Complex dosing instructions involving multiple drugs can also deter patients from being consistent. Failed adherence has far-reaching consequences, including progressively worsening conditions, medication wastage, and increased medical costs.

Creative solutions with compounding

Adherence goes beyond setting reminders on phones. By removing as much friction as possible, patients feel less pressure and are even motivated to take prescriptions. Compounding is the most effective strategy to increase the chances of adherence. This practice involves mixing, altering, or creating a custom solution for an individual patient’s needs. A compounding pharmacist has extensive knowledge of medicines and medicine ingredients. This expert can create a specific prescription or combine multiple drugs into a single-use form. Customization and control over one’s prescription can go a long way in improving adherence.

Enjoy these compounded benefits

Compounding improves medication adherence in several ways. Patients can enjoy dosage flexibility, for instance. If the dosage is too high or too low, there can be unpleasant side effects or a lack of efficacy. With compounding, the drug can be recreated in the appropriate dose, increasing adherence. A compounding pharmacist can also combine multiple medications into one form for ease of use. This strategy reduces polypharmacy and improves outcomes. Compounding can also create discontinued drugs, as accessibility is a typical cause of non-adherence. Custom solutions also promote feelings of ownership and advocacy for one’s health, increasing the patient’s willingness to be consistent.

Adherence goes beyond convenience

Compounding has other benefits that lead to improved convenience and prescription adherence. The drug can be changed to a more palatable form. Converting from a pill to liquid or topical form supports patients who struggle with swallowing multiple pills daily. A patient’s favorite flavor can be added to the solution, which may be helpful for children. With increased adherence, patients can get better treatment outcomes, reduced complications, and potentially lower healthcare costs. Therefore, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Make treatment easier with compounding

Taking a single prescription pill can be a challenge for some. Multiple prescriptions and supplements can be even more taxing, leading to poor adherence. Taking the stress and hassle out of medicine can significantly increase overall adherence. The patient and pharmacist can collaborate with compounding to create a more effective, palatable option. Compounding is more than transforming generic pills into another form. The patient improves overall health while getting the most out of treatment.

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